Monday, December 14, 2009

An intimidating hello, a heartfelt goodbye

Last day of class poetry... those anatomy dissection students will miss me more than they know:

Oh to look out on all of your faces that stare
9 pairs of eyes, plus more in tupperware

A future without you is bleak, forever drearier
I must pretend my sad heart is not dropping inferior

This semester has been wonderful, so important to me
We've become so many things in clinical anatomy

Each one of you can now say that you're a great dissector
If anatomy were a flower, you'd be the prized nectar

We've become friends, collegues, a team of stars,
We've even become blood siblings, though the blood was not ours

So lets give each other a very brave and courageous goodbye
And hope to do this again (like maybe, when we die!)

Now don't worry, I'll still promise to say hi downtown
Cuz' I'm never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down

I'm now accepting ideas for dramatic and creative ways to make my students feel comfortable (kind of...) on the first day of class next semester.