Meet Darlene Moehlenbrink:
Mother. Grandmother. Trickster. Care-taker.

Mostly wind and rain.
Attempt #1: Sometime in the past two decades, my grandmother and grandfather went on a trip to Ohio. There my grandmother was going to make the flight. However, she didn't, and I don't really know the rest of that story. Sorry.
Attempt #2: In 2008, my sister and I received the call. Gma was going to the Hot-Air Balloon Festival in Topeka, KS, and we were invited to join her. The flight would be tethered, but we could at least step into the basket and float into the air. However, inclement weather prevented us from going.
Think that stopped my grandmother? Think again.
Attempt #3: 2012. Bus trip. Grandma invites her daughter and her grandchildren. It's part of the reason I came back from Slovenia when I did. To be a part of something HUGE.
Let me set the scene. We leave at 6:30 a.m. on a hot-Kansas morn, headed north to Beatrice, NE where we will continue with a bus full of old people (ladies, mostly), to the National Balloon Rally in Indianola, IA. The morning is beautiful as we chug along to our destination with a very old tour guide who, sad to say, did not keep her skilz with age.

We make a few stops as the whole bus... lunch at the 'Iowa Machine Shed', where we are served iced tea out of jars (dear Slovenes, I told you it happens) al

I don't know how much you know about ballooning, but it's an expensive and difficult sport. Each balloon has a crew, and each balloon also has a sort of awesome name. Here are some examples of the balloons we saw:

(My personal favorite was the balloon shaped like an eagle, but we only saw that one during the night balloon glow.)
Now, on Friday, July 27th, the conditions were not entirely perfect. It was a windy day in Indianola, perhaps too windy- we had no choice but to wait in nervous anticipation. Would my grandmother be thwarted a FOURTH time? Would she have to surrender this dream??
A little wind doesn't stop Grandma Moehlenbrink.
And luckily, a little wind doesn't stop the Balloon Rides either. The winds slowed enough to let us jump into the baskets, but were roaring enough to give us a really fantastic ride.

Sometimes, you're lucky enough to have your dream come true. Keep soarin', grandma.

*And was, consequently the protocol for diversity posters.