Monday, October 31, 2011

The New Crib

This, friends, is my new house.

I moved in with the help of 11 13-year-olds. My friends offered to help me, but I couldn't turn down the eager pleas that I let students from my predura. We discussed it last Monday before school. Here's what I got all day long:
Ms. Nicole, I am so sorry I wasn't there this morning, can I still-
You want to help me move?
Yes! Can I?

We ate American pancakes, hung out, and then I eventually had to ask them to leave so I could get settled... but it's kind of beautiful, eh? And I have PLENTY of places to sleep, so... please, please feel free to come and stay with me. I will take good care of you.

I think this is beautiful. Notice the picture of Graham... I didn't forget you! (Thanks, Nikki)

Living room + place for everyone that I know here (excluding my students, who are not invited) to sleep.

And finally, my kitchen, complete with some of the most wonderful people in the world, who came as my first visitors.


  1. This is beautiful! I so wish I could come visit...

  2. Kerrie! If you find a way, I'll always have a bed for you. In fact, I will have 4.

    The visitors were Jure, Petra and Rok... wonderful friends from Ribnica. I stayed with Jure last summer, Petra was my first non-relative friend, and Rok is Petra's boyfriend and Jure's twin bro.

  3. just noticed the pumpkin in the first picture.. Yes.


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