Love that. It's been really nice to contemplate 'adventure' in my life throughout the past year, as I've spent a good amount of time on a bicycle, traveling through these here Karavanke Alps... and for the moment- for the here and now, I am 100% sure that the adventure I'm living at the moment is right for the Nicole I am right now (yeah yeah, stick with me). And I'm also 100% sure that someday, although I hope to still be the proper Nicole (though perhaps a version that is somehow... more Nicole? Ha- ''further up and father in''), I will be pursuing very different adventures.
But this blog post is not about me, rather it is about an adventure that is not mine but that I am somehow lucky enough to be included in. An undertaking which I have smiled about prettttttttttty much continuously since I heard the news:
Matthew and Rachel are bringing a new life into this world.
Now, after this post, I will probably only refer to the baby as 'Megatron', seeing as more than 74 people liked that really clever and well done facebook page that was created by some genius(es) that cyberspace will unfortunately not identify. But for now I will refer to this baby as a little gem that is going to get to grow up with two of my favorite people in the world.
If you've had the pleasure of knowing Matthew and Rachel, you undoubtedly love them both individually. Rachel is fiery. She's got a passion about whatever she chooses to do, whether it be theater, advising freshman, supporting KU basketball, watching Titanic... she will succeed at anything she wants in her life- I know this, and the implications her character has for her new role as a mother is absolutely thrilling. She has always been responsible and down-to-earth and practical. She has also always been full of interesting things to share. She is always ready to listen (although you may need to call her 7 or 8 times before she'll notice that you need her), and she will travel great lengths to be there for you, even when she is tired. If you've seen her worry or felt her wrath, you'll have no problem imagining her being motherly. And if you are lucky enough to really know her well, you'll have no problem imagining her caring deeply and always.
And Matthew. The proctor we all know and love. The only one whose phone would connect with Lisa Eriksen's. Comedian. Genius. Dr. Gibson. Baby Jay. Always caring, always loving, always making fun of Rachel when she is not looking. Always, always willing to help in whatever way he can, or to learn how to help when he can't.
I love you two, dear friends. I am glad that I get to know you as individual people... and I am also glad that I get to celebrate the two of you together. To see the truly beautiful ways that you balance each other out and encourage each other. To see how love exists between you and how you exist among love. What a great adventure you have already been living. I am so very thrilled as you embark on a new part of the adventure- to see how this beautiful child will further balance you out and bring out parts of you that you might not even know yet.
Before I heard the news, I didn't know how I would take it... it's been said that I don't like babies (wait a second... I heard a song this one time, about a girl who didn't like babies or domesticated animals?), and I'd be lying if I said that they didn't make me uncomfortable in the past. Additionally, I am not even remotely close to being ready for this chapter of my life... but none of that matters. I am SO EXCITED. I am SO HAPPY. Rachel and Matt are having a baby, and it is going to grow up with hilarious and wonderful parents and be surrounded in love. Good work with those open eyes, Matt and Rachel- I'd say that you landed yourself on quite a worthy adventure.
Love you,
-Botra :)
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